Friday, July 25, 2008

This Post Has Nothing to Do With Running

But I wanted to share some wedding pictures!

Hope you enjoy them :)

And credit where credit is due...
Hair: Jenn, Valentines Hair Salon
Makeup: Liz Quesnelle
Flowers: Colin Collette
Photography: Becky Hill

Monday, July 21, 2008

A Good Way to Start the Day

Sometimes, I'll admit, I get in slumps and don't do my weekday training. I know I shouldn't, but sometimes it feels really good to sleep in for an extra 30 - 40 minutes. On days like today, I think I must be crazy to ever miss a morning run.

I forgot how nice it feels to start the day with a run, instead of tack one on the end of a long day. It was a quiet, gray morning, and a nice little run. It was so energizing... I only needed a medium Diet Coke instead of a large on my way to work! Haha. :)

Saturday, July 19, 2008

12 down.

I woke up this morning after four hours of sleep, looked outside, and saw pouring rain. No part of me wanted to get up and run 12 miles. Who would? But despite my incessant calling, the TNT North Team Hotline still let me know that we did have training today. Rats.

So, I suited up and got ready to face the rain. Despite my hesitation, it wasn't that bad! Certainly better than 90 degrees with humidity. The only real downside was when the rain slowed to a drizzle and the mosquitoes came out to feed on us.

Other than that? 12 miles down in about 3 hours. Slow? Yes. On pace for us? Yes.

Life is good.

Friday, July 11, 2008

I'm Back... and Married!

Yeah, I haven't posted in over a month. But I'm back and ready to go. Sorry for the lack of posting! Let's re-cap what's been going on that may have resulted in inattention to this blog.

June 7: Last day of my first year of teaching
June 17: My then fiance, now husband, had an emergency appendectomy
June 21: I got hitched!
June 25 - July 8: Honeymoon!
July 8: Rescued a 1.5 year old lab/collie mix, who may be the cutest dog ever.
July 10: Schaumburg Flyers Fundraiser

Yeah... it's been busy. But I've got 10 miles in the morning... on hills... and I'm ready to go!