Friday, July 11, 2008

I'm Back... and Married!

Yeah, I haven't posted in over a month. But I'm back and ready to go. Sorry for the lack of posting! Let's re-cap what's been going on that may have resulted in inattention to this blog.

June 7: Last day of my first year of teaching
June 17: My then fiance, now husband, had an emergency appendectomy
June 21: I got hitched!
June 25 - July 8: Honeymoon!
July 8: Rescued a 1.5 year old lab/collie mix, who may be the cutest dog ever.
July 10: Schaumburg Flyers Fundraiser

Yeah... it's been busy. But I've got 10 miles in the morning... on hills... and I'm ready to go!

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