Tuesday, August 12, 2008

So it really was longer...

It's true! The race was too long... which means I probably had a sub-3 hour half marathon!

I don't know if I should be happy or disappointed. I'm happy that the extra length, making it about 13.27 miles instead of 13.1, would have tacked on about 2 minutes to my time. (About 1:23 per .1 mile) But I'm bummed that on paper the time is always going to be 3:01. Is that lame? Probably.

However, the Chicago Marathon was a mess last year. So, this, to date, is my longest official race. Kind of annoying that it still had issues.

San Fran better get their act together before we show up! ;)

Chicago Distance Classic: Race Report

On Sunday, I think I woke up earlier than I ever have. I'm pretty sure I've stayed awake later than 3:30 am, but never actually set my alarm to wake up at that time. To me, that says my dedication to running is starting to reach insane levels. In 30 minutes, I was set to go and hopped in the car with my hubby to head to the city.

We arrived in Chicago WAY earlier than we needed to be there, which was really nice. We made it down to the city around 5:20, were able to find cheap parking, and I sat in the car, lacing up my shoes and getting ready for a good race. We stopped for a bagel and then headed to the Hilton Chicago to sit in the lobby, relax, and get ready. Although it was an early start, I was really happy to have the time to just chill pre-race.

By the time 6:00 rolled around, I was ready to roll. I met my running buddy, Lauren, and we were off in search of the starting line. We found the 2:45 pace group and set ourselves somewhere around there. And then the waiting began. CDC did a "wave start" this year. So the first bunch of people were let out, and then we waited. And then another group, and we waited some more. You get the idea. Around 7:00, we finally began our race.

Miles 1 - 2 were stellar. I was loving the race, enjoying the city sites, and happy to be out there. Miles 3 -6 on Lake Shore Drive were kind of... well... annoying. Most races in Chicago are advertised as being "flat." It's why so many people use the Chicago Marathon to qualify for other races, like the Boston Marathon, and set records. Chicago is known for flat, fast courses. All of the miles on Lake Shore Drive were on highway entrance/exit ramps. Not really enough of an incline to be called hills, but just enough of an incline to be really annoying for the first several miles of the race. By the time we got off the highway, I'd had enough.

Warning: Too Much Information Ahead...
Another "special" part of the first half of our race was the porta potty stop. I've already mentally blocked out most of it, so I don't have any idea where it was along the course. All I have to say is, if you have to go, go... but please don't poop ON the seat. The idea is to get it in the toilet. *shudder* It was truly one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen. This was, of course, after waiting in line for 10 minutes for this potty. So you know I had to suck it up, stay towards the front of the seat, and just go. The whole stop was annoying because there clearly were not enough bathrooms, so it added lots of minutes to our time. In a 13.1 mile race, a 10 minute potty break is nearly 1 minute per mile! This did not make me happy.

Miles 6 - 7 were fun. I was happy to be turning around and on the Lakefront Path. The breeze was wonderful and Lake Michigan was beautiful.

I like to call Miles 7 - 9 "Where is the mile marker?" During almost all of Mile 7, I was looking for the Mile 8 sign. Once I saw that, I think the running mantra in my head was, "Just make it to 9... just make it to 9..." For some reason, 5 miles still sounds like a huge chunk in my head. However, when Lauren and I made it to Mile 9, we celebrated. 4 miles left! Hooray. We decided that for some reason, there's a huge difference between 4 and 5 miles.

Mile 9 is about the time the tiny nagging pain on my baby toe started to get a little worse. I knew I was going to have a blister there. We kept on, though. At Mile 11ish, we saw our fabulous TNT Coach, nicknamed by my dad as "Fast Eddie." Ed ran with us for a while and really helped lift our spirits and keep our pace consistent. We were in good spirits to finish the race. We also saw my husband and Lauren's boyfriend at Mile 11 1/2 ish. They were waving "Go Lauren" signs and looking content.

The last mile was the best. We ran all out and were really looking forward to the end... and food. For some reason I was really hungry for the last 2 - 3 miles of this race. I didn't do anything different pre-race except the early wake up call. My guess is that my body needed more food since I'd been awake for longer.

As we rounded the corner to the finish line, we could hear the speakers blaring the "Rocky" theme. Lauren and I laughed out loud and ran hard the rest of the way in. It was a fun finish. And then... immediately to the bananas! Yum! I got my penguin medal, and was really pleased with the race we'd run. Lauren's watch said we'd finished in about 2:50. (She stopped the clock for about 3/4 of the brutally long potty break.) Official time was 3:01:35. I've heard rumblings that the course was .3 - .5 miles longer than it should have been, and I know our potty break slowed us up, so although it was slower than my goal... I'll take it.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

3:30 am.

That's the time we're waking up tomorrow morning to make it to the CDC in time.


Monday, August 4, 2008

Rain, Rain, Go Away...

I was so excited for my run this morning. I was going to get up and run before work, and my training schedule only had a 20 minute run listed! A perfect way to start the day. I did not, however, check the forecast before I went to bed last night.

Jon left as I was getting ready to get up and run. About 5 minutes later I got a phone call. "The sky is black, it's thundering and lightening, and the wind is really bad. You probably don't want to run in this." Now, I can do rain. We just did 12 miles in the rain! I can do wind. But I refuse to do thunderstorms. I'm not going out in that just for 20 minutes.

It's days like these that I wish I had a treadmill in the house. I was really looking forward to my little run to start the day. Now I just feel lazy.


Sunday, August 3, 2008


I just gave in.

I'll be running the Chicago Distance Classing 1/2 Marathon next weekend.

...hey... the registration fee is a small price to pay for running with one of my running buddies... :)

Just an Hour

It's amazing how the journey of marathon training makes you more than a little nuts. Yesterday's long run was only an hour -- a cutback week. Before training, if you told me to run an hour, it would have sounded horrible. Now, we actually cheer at training because our long run is "just" an hour. It's crazy how quickly it changes.

But ah, this week will be a doozy once it gets going. 14 miles this Saturday, and my training buddies will both be gone! Melissa is leaving me for Texas and Lauren's running the Chicago Distance Classic on Sunday, which takes care of her long run for the weekend. Lauren is supposed to still do 20 minutes on Saturday, so I'm trying to talk her into joining me for the last mile or two. I might need her!

Other than that, I'm just running along... fundraising like crazy to try to reach my $4k goal.