Monday, August 4, 2008

Rain, Rain, Go Away...

I was so excited for my run this morning. I was going to get up and run before work, and my training schedule only had a 20 minute run listed! A perfect way to start the day. I did not, however, check the forecast before I went to bed last night.

Jon left as I was getting ready to get up and run. About 5 minutes later I got a phone call. "The sky is black, it's thundering and lightening, and the wind is really bad. You probably don't want to run in this." Now, I can do rain. We just did 12 miles in the rain! I can do wind. But I refuse to do thunderstorms. I'm not going out in that just for 20 minutes.

It's days like these that I wish I had a treadmill in the house. I was really looking forward to my little run to start the day. Now I just feel lazy.


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