Monday, May 12, 2008

Exploring the new 'hood

Went for a 30 minute run in my new neighborhood today... but I forgot to attach the Nike+ to my new kicks before I left this morning. Boo! No voice telling me, "5 minutes completed... 10 minutes completed... 15 minutes completed, halfway point... 10 minutes remaining... 5 minutes remaining... 4... 3... 2... 1... you have reached your goal."

I am so addicted to my Nike+. That may not be a good thing, seeing as I'm planning on running on Saturdays without it for as long as I can manage. TNT discourages it, and I'm trying to be all mentor-ly. I don't know how long I'll last without it though - ha! I'm addicted to the feedback. I like the music, but I love the voice in my head that counts the minutes/miles. It makes me less compulsive about checking my watch, too, which I like. Without Nike+ I literally check my watch every 1 - 2 minutes. It gets really annoying when the minutes aren't flying by.

Anyway, the run today was alright. I was pretty distracted by the massive amounts of cleaning I needed to do when I finished. But I got out there and ran, for what it's worth.

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