Monday, May 5, 2008

Team in Training Kicks Off!

I was getting worried at the end of last week that my training might not start out too well. I got seriously injured on Wednesday night... at the dinner table! A visit to the doctor on Friday afternoon proved that if I would only "sit like a grown-up" and not "crisscross applesauce like a first grader" at the dinner table, I should recover just fine. I guess that's why my mom always told me to sit like a lady. At any rate, I'm fully recovered now and ready for my favorite season to start: marathon training season!

After completing a full season of marathon training, it's refreshing to see the schedule at the beginning of the season. The long runs look so... short. I know it's only a matter of time until 3 miles turns into 15, 18, and eventually 26.2, but I'm enjoying the short runs in this beautiful weather while I can.

Although I said in an earlier post that I was going to become a morning runner, I've decided that what I need instead is a running buddy. Since Melissa and I are running the Nike Women's Marathon together in October, and training together with TNT, it seemed only natural that we run together during the week as well. When she mentioned that she'd have to run at 3:00 am to still get out the door on time for work, I quickly resigned myself to being an evening runner once again.

So tonight it begins. I'm going to lace up my trusty Newtons and hit the trails. I'm still deciding about whether I'm a "beginner" or an "intermediate" runner on our training schedule. Since the difference tonight is only 10 minutes, I'll probably pretend I'm an intermediate runner and go out for 40 minutes. We'll see if I'm still feeling intermediate as the season gets underway.

Just 24 weeks of training until 26.2 miles in sunny California! California, here we come...

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