Saturday, May 17, 2008

Patting Myself on the Back & Ditching the iPod for Saturdays...

First things first. I have to pat myself on the back. I am not a morning person by any means, and I forced myself out of bed for a solo morning run on Friday! No one to answer to but myself and I did it. Hooray! (I couldn't do an evening run because Dad and I went to see Jersey Boys, which by the way, was excellent.) I wasn't quite as even keel by myself... but I was pretty good. The dips are walking (I was run/walking at a 6:2 ratio), and most of my runs are even, but I have no idea what that spike at the beginning is. Perhaps I was feeling speedy?

Today was a 5 mile training run with TNT. Can I just say that I love my teammates? I ran with Melissa, Lauren, and an alumni, Miss Sue. Jennifer was with us for some of the time too. It's so nice to run with a group! And we rocked a 6:2 ratio with an overall 11:52 pace. Total time for 5 miles was 59:22. I'll take it. I didn't take the iPod/Nike+ out with me today, and I have to say, I really enjoyed chatting with the girls as we ran. As much as I'm addicted to the instant feedback of the Nike+, it was nice to just ignore everything and run. That is probably going to become my new Saturday mantra.

Ahhh. I know there will be setbacks, but I hope most of the season feels this good.

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